For most of the wild things on earth the future must depend upon the conscience of mankind.
Dr. Archie Carr
Our Journey

Dr. Archie Carr begins studying sea turtles.

Green turtle tagging and monitoring program begins in Tortuguero, Costa Rica under the direction of Dr. Carr.

Dr. Carr publishes his award-winning book, “The Windward Road,” which first alerted the world to the plight of sea turtles. This book inspires the creation of a group called The Brotherhood of the Green Turtle.

The Brotherhood of the Green Turtle is incorporated as the nonprofit Caribbean Conservation Corporation (CCC) by Mr. Joshua B. Powers (pictured, above left). Dr. Carr served as Scientific Director of CCC from 1959 until his death in 1987.

Juvenile green sea turtle tagging and research program begins in Bermuda.

CCC works with Costa Rica to establish the Tortuguero National Park, which protects the most important green turtle rookery in the hemisphere.

U.S. Congress establishes the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge in Florida in honor of CCC’s founder, protecting the most important loggerhead turtle rookery in the hemisphere.

CCC opens the John H. Phipps Biological Field Station in Tortuguero, Costa Rica which includes dormitories for researchers as well as a visitor’s center and museum.

CCC launches Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program—the first Internet-based education program to use the satellite tracking of sea turtles to raise awareness about sea turtles.

CCC leads a successful campaign to establish the Florida Sea Turtle Specialty License Plate, which will fund Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Program and establish the Sea Turtle Grants Program to provide funding for projects benefiting Florida sea turtles.

CCC initiates a long-term research and protection program in the Bocas del Toro province of Panama, with the goal of protecting and recovering the globally important nesting colonies of leatherback and hawksbill turtles that nest there.

CCC begins the Eastern Caribbean Hawksbill Tracking & Conservation Project to study the migration patterns of critically endangered hawksbill sea turtles nesting along the Caribbean coast of Nevis in the West Indies.

The Barrier Island Center opens in the heart of the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge to conduct educational programs. CCC launches the popular Tour de Turtles program, a fun, educational journey through the science, research and geography of sea turtle migration using satellite telemetry. This event follows the marathon migration of sea turtles, representing different species, from their nesting beaches to their foraging grounds.

CCC changes its name to the Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) to better reflect its mission. STC receives first of several grants from the National Fish and Wildlife Federation (NFWF) in response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to start a Turtle Friendly Lighting Program.

STC begins working with sea turtle rehabilitation centers in Florida to track the movements of the turtles after being rehabilitated and released back into the wild.
STC begins InterACT with Sea Turtles, a Distance Learning Program.

STC releases “Ahead of the Tide,” a series of educational videos about the impact of climate change on sea turtles and coastal habitat in Florida.

STC starts the Florida In-Water Program to study sea turtles in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, STC is recognized by the Endangered Species Coalition as the most effective marine conservation organization working on behalf of endangered species over the last five decades.

STC announces a new collaboration with the owners of Bell Island in The Bahamas to launch a long-term in-water monitoring program. Permit applications begin.
Our Future
Continuing Research
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